Aggregate data from all your associates

Unify data from all your associates into one place. Establish a shared language among all members and visualize associates, sales & stores performance.

Visualize all data with 40+ retail-ready reports

Access digestible reports, categorized by product, category, region, shop or supplier, enabling you to quickly take action on the data.

Empower your associates with best-in class retail tools

Empower retailers in your group to make the best strategic decisions, maximize their business resources and use their promotional budget smartly.

Data Analytics for Group purhcasing organizations

Loyal Guru’s added value for Group Purchasing Organizations

Centralize data of the best quality

Get everyone aligned around centralized information that can be accessed quickly.

Foster trust among partners

Minimize disputes and delays, and maximize profitability and growth.

Track progress of associates

View the performance and progress of your partners or buying group members.

Access better reports and dashboards

Give members access to advanced performance data and analysis.

Reduce resources on data entry & admin

Eliminate friction and remove time spent manually collating data.

Make better and fully informed decisions

All the reports and dashboards make decisions based on data and not only gut feelings.

Ready for the next step?

See what Loyal Guru can do for your business

Talk to an expert
clipping: man grocery bag
“Digitization and getting to know the consumer better through Big DATA is key to the success of Euromadi members. Loyal Guru has been an important piece on this journey, helping our members consolidate data, unify processes and access insights to develop sales in specific categories.”
Josep Martínez
Commercial Director of Euromadi
in-store grocery shopping: activating coupon on mobile phone

20M+ customers’ data unified in one Single Source of Truth